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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

1.Minimize every thing and press print screen and insert key on your key board.
2.Then open paint.
3.Select some area and go to edit and paste.
4.You will see your desktop in the paint.
5.Save as jpeg.
6.Open that picture and set as desktop background
7.Then go to desktop and do hide desktop icons
8.Thats it your dektop is now locked.

To Unlock
1.Change your desktop back ground and do show desktop icons.

rOsH         3 comments:
Most of you may be curious to know about how to make a Trojan or Virus on your own. Here is an answer for your curiosity. In this post I’ll show you how to make a simple Trojan on your own using C programming language. This Trojan when executed will eat up the hard disk space on the root drive (The drive on which Windows is installed, usually C: Drive) of the computer on which it is run. Also this Trojan works pretty quickly and is capable of eating up approximately 1 GB of hard disk space for every minute it is run. So, I’ll call this as Space Eater Trojan. Since this Trojan is written using a high level programming language it is often undetected by antivirus. The source code for this Trojan is available for download at the end of this post. Let’s see how this Trojan works…

Before I move to explain the features of this Trojan you need to know what exactly is a Trojan horse and how it works. As most of us think a Trojan or a Trojan horse is not a virus. In simple words a Trojan horse is a program that appears to perform a desirable function but in fact performs undisclosed malicious functions that allow unauthorized access to the host machine or create a damage to the computer.

Now lets move to the working of our Trojan

The Trojan horse which I have made appears itself as an antivirus program that scans the computer and removes the threats. But in reality it does nothing but occupy the hard disk space on the root drive by just filling it up with a huge junk file. The rate at which it fills up the hard disk space it too high. As a result the the disk gets filled up to 100% with in minutes of running this Trojan. Once the disk space is full, the Trojan reports that the scan is complete. The victim will not be able to clean up the hard disk space using any cleanup program. This is because the Trojan intelligently creates a huge file in the WindowsSystem32 folder with the .dll extension. Since the junk file has the .dll extention it is often ignored by disk cleanup softwares. So for the victim, there is now way to recover the hard disk space unless reformatting his drive.

The algorithm of the Trojan is as follows

1. Search for the root drive

2. Navigate to WindowsSystem32 on the root drive

3. Create the file named “spceshot.dll”

4. Start dumping the junk data onto the above file and keep increasing it’s size until the drive is full

5. Once the drive is full, stop the process.

You can download the Trojan source code HERE. Please note that I have not included the executabe for security reasons. You need to compile it to obtain the executable.

How to compile, test and remove the damage?

For step-by-step compilation guide, refer my post How to compile C Programs.

To test the Trojan, just run the SpaceEater.exe file on your computer. It’ll generate a warning message at the beginning. Once you accept it, the Trojan runs and eats up hard disk space.

NOTE: To remove the warning message you’ve to edit the source code and then re-compile it.

NOTE: You can also change the ICON of the virus to make it look like a legitimate program. This method is described in the post: How to Change the ICON of an EXE file ?

Note : Dont try this in your PC
rOsH         5 comments:
This tutorial will tell you how to hack yahoo messenger while you are engaged in chatting with some person.While you are chatting through yahoo messenger, Yahoo will hide the IP addresses of all the computers that are connected through the yahoo messenger application to the chat room.So it is not possible to directly find out the IP of the person you want to hack.Then how to get the IP address? Yes it is still possible to hack the IP address during the Yahoo messenger chat.The procedure to Hack Yahoo messenger is discussed in detail below.

While you are chatting via yahoo messenger the communication between you and the person you want to hack, takes place indirectly via Yahoo server and not directly.It is not possible to hack Yahoo messenger directly to get the IP address.So to hack his IP, you must establish a direct communication with him.So,how to do this? It’s easy.Just start chatting with some one via Yahoo messenger.During the process of chatting send him a big file.Now the file transfer takes place directly between your computer and the victim’s computer(via yahoo messenger application).So now, you are ready to go. Here’s the step-by-step process to hack Yahoo messenger and get the IP address of the person .


Here Type “netstat -n” (without quotes).

The pic given below shows netstat results of my computer.I was not chatting when i took this pic and hence it looks modified.

*Here local address is your own IP and the foreign address is the IP address of the recipient with whom you are connected via yahoo messenger (There may be multiple recipients and hence multiple foreign addresses).

*Now send him the file.

*Check the output by typing the command “netstat -n” (without quotes).

*Assume the output is something like this.


Here is the IP address of the person with whom you are chatting and 1246 is the port number where connection is established.That’s It! You have now hacked Yahoo messenger to get his IP address.

Once you hack Yahoo messenger and get his IP address you can use any of the Remote Administration tools.

NOTE: Some times there are chances where in the file transfer gets encrypted (takes place via yahoo server itself).So in this case the above hack may fail to work.


Here is the IP address of the person with whom you are chatting and 1246 is the port number where connection is established.That’s It! You have now hacked Yahoo messenger to get his IP address.

Once you hack Yahoo messenger and get his IP address you can use any of the Remote Administration tools or perform NETBIOS HACKING.Refer this tutorial on Netbios Hacking.

NOTE: Some times there are chances where in the file transfer gets encrypted (takes place via yahoo server itself).So in this case the above hack may fail to work


one are the days when email hacking was a sophisticated art. Today any body can access hacking tips through the Internet and start hacking your yahoo or hotmail account. All that is needed is doing a search on google with keywords like “how to hack yahoo”, “hack yahoo messenger”, “hotmail hack program” etc. The following article is not an effort to teach you email hacking, but it has more to do with raising awareness on some common email hacking methods.

Hackers can install keylogger programs in the victim’s computer. This program can spy on what the user types from the keyboard. If you think that you can just uninstall such programs, you are wrong as they are completely hidden. After installation, the hacker will use a password and hot keys to enable the keylogger. He can then use the hot keys and password to access your key entry details.

A keylogger program is widely available on the internet.some of them are listed below

Win-Spy Monitor

Realtime Spy

SpyAgent Stealth

Spy Anywhere

Even if direct access to your computer is not possible, hackers can still install a key logger from a remote place and access your computer using Remote Administration Tools (RATs).

Credits to : Go hacking

In this post I will show how to create a simple virus that disables/blocks the USB ports on the computer (PC). As usual I use my favorite C programming language to create this virus. Anyone with a basic knowledge of C language should be able to understand the working of this virus program.

Once this virus is executed it will immediately disable all the USB ports on the computer. As a result the you’ll will not be able to use your pen drive or any other USB peripheral on the computer. The source code for this virus is available for download. You can test this virus on your own computer without any worries since I have also given a program to re-enable all the USB ports.

1. Download the USB_Block.rar file on to your computer.

2. It contains the following 4 files.

block_usb.c (source code)

unblock_usb.c (source code)

3. You need to compile them before you can run it. A step-by-step procedure to compile C programs is given in my post - How to Compile C Programs.

3. Upon compilation of block_usb.c you get block_usb.exe which is a simple virus that will block (disable) all the USB ports on the computer upon execution (double click).

4. To test this virus, just run the block_usb.exe file and insert a USB pen drive (thumb drive). Now you can see that your pen drive will never get detected. To re-enable the USB ports just run the unblock_usb.exe (you need to compile unblock_usb.c) file. Now insert the pen drive and it should get detected.

5. You can also change the icon of this file to make it look like a legitimate program. For more details on this refer my post – How to Change the ICON of an EXE file (This step is also optional).

I hope you like this post. Please pass your comments.
Credits to: GoHacks

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Locating a wireless network is the first step in trying to exploit it. There are two tools that are commonly used in this regard:
Network Stumbler a.k.a NetStumbler – This Windows based tool easily finds wireless signals being broadcast within range – A must have. It also has ability to determine Signal/Noise info that can be used for site surveys. I actually know of one highly known public wireless hotspot provider that uses this utility for their site surveys.
(NetStumbler Screenshot) 
Kismet – One of the key functional elements missing from NetStumbler is the ability to display Wireless Networks that are not broadcasting their SSID. As a potential wireless security expert, you should realize that Access Points are routinely broadcasting this info; it just isn’t being read/deciphered. Kismet will detect and display SSIDs that are not being broadcast which is very critical in finding wireless networks.

(Kismet Screenshot) 

Attaching to the Found Wireless Network

Once you’ve found a wireless network, the next step is to try to connect to it. If the network isn’t using any type of authentication or encryption security, you can simply connect to the SSID. If the SSID isn’t being broadcast, you can create a profile with the name of the SSID that is not being broadcast. Of course you found the non-broadcast SSID with Kismet, right? If the wireless network is using authentication and/or encryption, you may need one of the following tools.
Airsnort – This is a very easy to use tool that can be used to sniff and crack WEP keys.  While many people bash the use of WEP, it is certainly better than using nothing at all.  Something you’ll find in using this tool is that it takes a lot of sniffed packets to crack the WEP key. There are additional tools and strategies that can be used to force the generation of traffic on the wireless network to shorten the amount of time needed to crack the key, but this feature is not included in Airsnort.

(Screenshot of Airsnort in Action) 
CowPatty – This tool is used as a brute force tool for cracking WPA-PSK, considered the “New WEP” for home Wireless Security. This program simply tries a bunch of different options from a dictionary file to see if one ends up matching what is defined as the Pre-Shared Key.

(Cowpatty Options Screenshot) 
ASLeap – If a network is using LEAP, this tool can be used to gather the authentication data that is being passed across the network, and these sniffed credentials can be cracked.  LEAP doesn’t protect the authentication like other “real” EAP types, which is the main reason why LEAP can be broken.

(Asleap Options  Screenshot) 

Sniffing Wireless Data

Whether you are directly connected to a wireless network or not, if there is wireless network in range, there is data flying through the air at any given moment. You will need a tool to be able to see this data.
Wireshark (formerly Ethereal) – While there has been much debate on the proper way to pronounce this utility, there is no question that it is an extremely valuable tool. Ethereal can scan wireless and Ethernet data and comes with some robust filtering capabilities. It can also be used to sniff-out 802.11 management beacons and probes and subsequently could be used as a tool to sniff-out non-broadcast SSIDs.

(Screenshot of Ethereal in Action) 
(Yahoo IM Session being sniffed in Ethereal) 
The aforementioned utilities, or similar ones, will be necessities in your own wireless security toolkit. The easiest way to become familiar with these tools is to simply use them in a controlled lab environment. And cost is no excuse as all of these tools are available freely on the Internet.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Netspionage Costing Billions

by Linda Lee, 18
Two years ago, a fifteen-year-old boy logged onto the Internet under the alias 'Comrade'. To some of us, our idea of hacking might include breaking into an email account or viewing confidential company information. However, no one expected that 'Comrade' would cause a three-week shutdown at NASA, steal government email passwords, intercept over 3000 emails and download close to $2 million worth of software used to operate the international space station. If that was not shocking enough, he had twice gained access to the computers used by the Pentagon to monitor threats of nuclear and biological warfare.

Computer hacking has been around for as long as we can remember - certainly as long as we have had a World Wide Web.
Occasionally, the news speaks of silly pranks which imply nothing more than a temporary shutdown of a website, although 'Comrades' hack forced a three-week shutdown for repairs and cost the U.S. government $41,000.
Recently, the case of the hackers tampering with the CIA's website, changing the title to 'Central Stupidity Agency' and filling it with obscenities was merely a nuisance for the agency. It posed no real threat because the CIA's files are inaccessible via that Internet site.
Undoubtedly, there are some who see humour in this - a civilian, probably not even a professional, outwitting an elite US agency.

Then there are more serious crimes, which are no laughing matter.In one case of corporate espionage, two 'heavy manufacturing' firms were bidding on a $900 million contract; one outbid the other by a fraction of a percent.
This was no co-incidence as the losing company later discovered that someone had broken into the company's computer network and accessed files that contained bidding strategy information.

In another case, authorities are chasing an individual who regularly hires U.S. teens to access confidential documents. One young hacker was paid $1,000 - and promised $10,000 more - for stealing design documents for kitchen appliances from U.S. firms.

Beyond selling the trade secrets to a company's competition, some hackers resort to extortion of the company. In Sweden, a 15 and 17 year old tried to extort $2 million from a cellular company to destroy information they had illegally downloaded.

Like most cases of extortion, the criminal's identity is especially difficult to trace and is magnified because of the nature of the Net.

When the Internet was gaining immense popularity, businesses were scrambling to secure domain names and using the technology to expand their market. Seeing e-commerce as an untapped goldmine, many were eagerly diving headfirst into a slew of problems, including security breaches.

Companies like eBay, Buy.com, Yahoo! Amazon and Excite were not prepared when 'Mafiaboy' decided to strike. The 16-year-old Montreal teen crippled their sites last year when he bombarded them with thousands of simultaneous messages, preventing legitimate users from gaining access. His five-day tirade caused an estimated $1.7 billion in damages.

These malicious and insidious attacks threaten security and cost companies and organizations billions of dollars. A survey of the Fortune 1000 companies in 1999 estimates a loss of $45 billion from information theft.

Of course, many organizations are taking extra security measures, including the usage of firewalls (a security mechanism that allows limited access to sites from the Internet).

Still, hackers will gain access. If a fifteen year old can shutdown NASA, what hope is there?

Recently, Ernst & Young, a major consulting and accounting firm, set up computer labs across North America which allow information security consultants to perform 'ethical hacks' to assess the strengths and weaknesses of a client's networks and systems.

By using existing hacker tools, they're fighting fire with fire.
'Ethical hackers' are being paid thousands of dollars to provide clients with clear evidence of how vulnerable their networks are to attacks that could compromise their most sensitive information.

This is proving an effective way of gauging the level of security within a system.

Hacking has become so prevalent that it is almost synonymous with the computer subculture. This "computer geek" culture is portrayed on television (X-files, the Lone Gunmen) and in movies (Hackers, Anti-Trust) as cynical and often self-righteous.

With that, there is a sense of rebellion against big business; the proverbial David struggling against a corporate Goliath.
In many of these crimes, people do them to defy corporations or the government; money is not always the motive. However, it is an act that is still unacceptable that victimizes all who use the Internet.

Viruses, shutdowns, crashes and email hacking will be the burden of the user, a company's money lost to theft will be the burden of its customers and a government's money spent on security will be the burden of its citizens.

Is there anyone not affected by Internet crime? Nope.

Friday, July 17, 2009

AntiVirus Softwares


 Virus Removal Tools 
Sujin.com.np removal tool

Internet Browsers and Plugins
Adobe Air 1.5.1 (Freeware)
Flash Player (IE) (Freeware)

Google Chrome Beta
Safari 3.2.3 (Freeware)
Firefox 3.5 RC3
Opera 9.64 (Freeware)
Internet Explorer 8.0 (XP)


Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool 1.15 (Freeware)
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.38 (Freeware)
Assassin (Freeware)
RemoveIT Pro (Freeware)
Unlocker 1.7.5 (Freeware)


Pidgin 2.5.8 (Freeware)
AIM Beta
MSN Live Messenger
Yahoo Messenger 9.0 Beta (Freeware)
AMSN Messenger
Skype Beta
Google Talk Beta (Freeware)


CutePDF Writer 2.8 (Freeware)
PrimoPDF (Freeware)
Defraggler 1.10.143 (Freeware)
Recuva 1.28.424 (Freeware) Recover Deleted Files
7-Zip 4.65 (Freeware)
WinSock XP Fix (Freeware)
WinRAR 3.90 Beta
Free Download Manager (Freeware)
Folder Guard (Freeware)
SpeedFan 4.08 (Freeware/Win XP)
Quick Zip 3.06.1 (Freeware/Win XP)
Word Web 3.01 (Freeware)
PC Security Test (Freeware)
Split File 1.2 (freeware)
Sage English Dictionary (freeware)
VNC Viewer


OpenOffice.org 3.0.0 (Open Source)
Foxit Reader 3.0.1506
Adobe Acrobat Reader


Songbird 1.1.1 (Freeware)
Windows Media Player 11 (Freeware)
GOM Player (Freeware)
RealPlayer (Freeware)
jetAudio 7.5.2 Basic (Freeware)
Winamp 5.55 Full Beta 2353
Quick Time 7.1.3 (Freeware)
Irfan View 3.91 (Freeware)
XnView 1.70 (Freeware)
DirectX 9.0c (Nov 08)
Flash Player (Freeware)
VLC Media Player 1.0.0 RC4 (Freeware)

CD and DVD Tools

DeepBurner (Freeware)
DVD Shrink (Freeware)


Picasa 3.1 Build 70.71 (Freeware)

Audio & Video

Shockwave Player (Freeware)
K-Lite Codec Pack 4.45 (Full)
Foobar2000 beta 1 (Freeware)
iTunes 8.1 (Freeware)


ATI Catalyst Drivers 8.12 XP (Freeware)
Java Runtime Environment (Freeware)

Networking and Admin

Download nLite (Freeware)
PuTTY 0.60 Beta (Open Source)
RealVNC 4.1.3 (Freeware)

File Sharing
LimeWire Basic 5.2.3 Beta

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